25 February 2021

Better now...

 Thank the Lord... warm, sunny, not shitty... I scarified half a lawn!

10 February 2021

Back a-bloody-gain!

Woke up to this...

Then went out to this... 

Time to say bollocks to ice & snow... time to grow stuff!

06 February 2021

So bloody wet... still plenty of lettuce, leaves, leeks, & even dug tha last of the pink fir apple (which were kept carpet-covered, thus frost-free, for last coupla months).

Leeks are such a great vegetable, just gotta secure from alium leaf miner - mine are now mesh covered March-April & mid-September to mid-October (might also strategically time multi-sowing onions in modules to plant out early may).

Still... I'm trying to drag my motivation out of the kitchen - & 'wine cellar'!


Lockdown motivation?